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Last Updated on November 16, 2023 by admin

The World breastfeeding week celebrations at the community was organized by the IV-year B.Sc. Nursing students of Lisie College of Nursing at the Family Health Centre, Koonammavu on 02/08/2023, under the guidance and supervision of faculty, Dr. Bindu John, Associate Professor and Ms. Steffy Chacko, Assistant Professor. The programme started with a prayer song by the students, Ms. Jiya James and Ms. Jesna Saji and thereupon inaugurated by Dr. Neethu. S, Medical Officer, Koonammavu, by unveiling the theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2023, “Enabling Breastfeeding: making a difference for working parents”. While addressing the gathering, Dr. Neethu emphasized the significance of this breastfeeding week in today’s world and indicated the initiatives and activities in supporting breastfeeding for working mothers. This was followed by a speech about importance of breastfeeding by Ms. Steffy Chacko, Assistant Professor, Community Health Nursing Department. Later, the students performed an Ottumthullal, highlighting the advantages of breastfeeding over bottle feeding. A Nadanpattu promoting the breastfeeding was beautifully rendered for the public afterwards by the students. Consequently, health talks to the mothers were given on topics such as positions of breastfeeding and latching, breastmilk expression, breastfeeding problems, and diet for breastfeeding mothers. Various exhibits and posters related to the theme was displayed in the health center. The programme came to a culmination by the vote of thanks delivered by the student, Ms. Megha Joseph. The programme was well appreciated by the public and the staff at the health center.

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