Student Testimonials | Accreditations |

Last Updated on August 18, 2020 by admin

Student Council

College Union

As per the Kerala University of Health Sciences directions the College Union election for the academic year 2019 – 20 was conducted on 20-12-2019. Mr. Alok Xavier and Ms. Athira Beno got elected as Chairperson and University Union Counselor respectively.


The Student Nurses association is a nationwide organization for nursing students since 1929 and is a unit of TNAI (Trained Nurses Association of India). The main purpose of this association is to provide opportunities for nursing students to facilitate their overall development. All the students of are enrolled as members at the time of admission. SNA provides opportunities for personal, intellectual, emotional, professional and social growth of its members. SNA conducts monthly meetings, sports, arts, literature and educational competitions, celebration of festivals, observation of important health days. Prof.(Dr.)Usha Marath, Mrs. Lakshmi P and Ms. Elizebath Maria Joseph are President, Staff advisor and Vice President respectively.

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