Student Testimonials | Accreditations |


Last Updated on April 21, 2023 by admin

NUTRITION FEST First year GNM students of School of Nursing, Lisie Hospital conducted nutrition practical named ‘ Hambrienta 2K 23’as a part of their curriculum requirement on 4 th March 2023. The whole class was divided in to four groups and they were assigned to prepare different types of diets for patients with diabetics and Hypertension, diet for under five children and antenatal mothers. The program conducted in nutrition lab under the guidance of Mrs. Leena, Ms. Meenu and Mrs. Saranya. The students prepared the menu for the assigned category from 7am to 11.30am and presented the prepared menu by explaining the method of preparation and its nutritive values. The presentation was attended and evaluated by Dr. Usha Marath, Principal College of Nursing, Sr. Renjitha CSN, Principal School of Nursing and faculties from College of Nursing and School of Nursing. Director Rev. Fr. Paul Karedan and Joint Director Rev. Fr. Rojan Nangelimalil visited the program and appreciated the hard work and enthusiasm of the students. The nutrition practical were an opportunity for the students to understand in depth the applied nutrition and it was also a platform for to bring out their culinary skills, team work, creativity and hospitality. The program came to an end by 1.30pm

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