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Hepatitis Day

Last Updated on November 16, 2023 by admin

The hepatitis awareness program was also observed at the South Railway Station in Ernakulam on 28/7/2024 by 3rd year B.Sc Nursing students. Mr. Arun, the health inspector at railways, extended a warm welcome to all. Mr. Varghese, the station manager, inaugurated the function, marking the official start of the hepatitis awareness program. As part of the awareness campaign, third-year B.Sc nursing students from Lisie College of Nursing performed a mime in front of passengers and railway staff. Mime can be a powerful way to convey messages, and it’s great to see students using this creative medium to raise awareness about hepatitis. Posters related to World Hepatitis Day were prominently displayed at the railway station. These posters contained important information about hepatitis, its prevention, and the significance of the awareness day. Mrs. Blaicy F, Associate Professor , Lisie College of Nursing, delivered an informative session about hepatitis, providing valuable insights into the disease and tips for maintaining liver health. Mr. Sanu, the health inspector at railways, proposed the vote of thanks. It was wonderful to see experts and students working together to address such crucial community health issues.

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