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Last Updated on October 1, 2020 by admin


GOVERNING council is established to oversee the design, development and the effective implementation of various academic, co-curricular, enrichment programmes and to give advice in all matters relating to the administration of college under its management. The council composed of selected representatives from our institutions and our sister concern. The governing council also plays an important role in establishing adequate physical infrastructure and competent human resources. Governing council meets often and deliberates on various issues,guides and sumits recommendations to the board of trustees.


Chairman Dr. Prof. Usha marath, Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
Head of department Dr.Prof. Lissa peter-OBG Nursing Mrs.Manju George- Mental  Health Nursing Mrs.Mary Pouose-Paediatric Nursing Mrs.Blaicy F- Medical Surgical Nursing Mercy T.V(Sr.Ranjitha)- Community Health Nursing
Chairman of college union Mr.Alok Xavier
Chief of the office staff Sr.Mariatta SABS
President of PTA Mrs.Vincy Babu
Representatives Mrs.Sumathi P V Mrs Jasmine Joseph
Secretary Mrs Manju George


The Curriculum is the backbone of  the technical,  professional and graduate  Programs of academic  institutions. It may be viewed as a processing machine that determines the quantity and quality of the desired outputs. The aim of Curriculum Committee shall be to approve new & revised curriculum & academic policies to ensure compliance with Kerala University of Health Sciences & Indian Nursing Council. In addition, curriculum committee also provides guidance & oversight to ensure that all curriculum is sound, comprehensive & responsive to evolving needs of our students & their academic & overall development.




CHAIR PERSON Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
SECRETARY Mrs. Manju George, Professor , HOD Mental  Health Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
MEMBERS All departmental HOD


Academic Monitoring is fundamental to the effective functioning of the system in order to ensure qualitative and functional uniformity of the outcomes. An effective monitoring system will serve as a sentinel in the upkeep and maintained of quality and is aimed at achieving excellence. This Committee will meet periodically and make an objective assessment of the Academic Programs including examinations taking place in the Institutions with special regard to the Regulations, Syllabi and such other guidelines of the University. The committee will take necessary steps to rectify defects and inadequacies if any. Periodical reports will be filed electronically (online) to the KUHS AMC as the Institutional Academic Committee Report (Internal Academic Audit Proforma) twice a year The Institutional Academic Committee (IAC) consists of

Chairman Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
Co-Chairman Mrs. Manju George, Professor , Mental Health Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
Secretary   Mrs.Mary Pouose-Paediatric Nursing, Lisie  College of Nursing
Members   Heads of Departments, Course Co-Ordinators


The disciplinary committee was formed as per the requirements of Kerala university of health sciences, Thrissur to solve problems of student’s indiscipline and look into the welfare of students.The committee conduct  meetings  whenever necessary for resolving problems or otherwise biannually





Convenor Dr. Prof. Usha marath, Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
Chairperson   Dr.Prof. Lissa peter, VicePrincipal, Lisie  College of Nursing
Secretary Mrs.Sumathi P.V, Associate professor, Child Health Nursing
Members All class co-ordinators PTA representative


  Lisie college union functions in accordance with the regulations of KUHS. The objectives of the union The following members were selected for College Union Executive Committee 2019-2020:  



The College has a vigilant committee against instances of ragging. The Committee takes measures to repeatedly remind students, the consequences of ragging, and ensures that parents and new students are made aware of their rights on the day of orientation and are make to sign anti ragging affidavit. Anti -Ragging Committee is constituted in this college to prevent ragging and to take anti-ragging measures as per the guide lines issued by the Supreme Court of India and UGC. Anti ragging brochures are displayed in all the floors of Lisie College of nursing and hostel. Visits the senior students in their class rooms and sensitize them regarding anti ragging measures and distributes anti ragging brochures. All the senior students and their parents signed theanti ragging undertaking by UGC and submitted to concerned class coordinators. Anti-ragging squad visits the hostel on regular basis and ensures that the fresher’s are placed separately in a single floor and are safe.


1. Rev.Fr.Paul Karedan Director,  Lisie Medical and Educational institutions 0480-2403000 Ext:3333
2. Rev.Fr.Jery Njaliath Assistant Director,  Lisie Medical and Educational institutions Ext:3000
3. Prof.Dr.Usha Marath Principal , Lisie College Of Nursing 0484-2400632(O) 0484-2806712 (R ) 9497039262
4. Prof.Dr,Lisa Peter Vice Principal , Lisie College Of Nursing 0484-2400632(O) 0484-2806712 (R ) 9446718608
5. Mrs, Jasmine Joseph Associate Professor, Lisie College Of Nursing 9446716746
6 Mr.Girish P.C Civil.C.P.O 947932708
7 Mr.Shiju Achandy Editor Sathyadeepam 8606771029
8 Mr.Varghese P.D Parent Representative
9 Ms.Alphy Sabu Student Representative
10 Sr.Mariatta SABS NonTeaching Staff Representative 9895756158

Members of anti-ragging squad

Principal Prof.Dr.UshaMarath
Teacher In Charge Mrs, Jasmine Joseph
First Year Co- ordinator Prof.Manju George
Second Year Co ordinator Mrs..Regy Varghese
Third Year Co ordinator Mrs.Blaicy F
Fouth Year Co ordinator Ms. Mary Paulose
Principal Prof. dr. ushamarath
Hostel warden rose
Hostel warden Rev. sr. stella
Student representative Sr. Annie rose tomy
First year student representative Ms. Ayana babu


Grievance Redressal Cell is intended to find solutions to problems like any kind of physical or mental harassment, complaints regarding classroom teaching, management, completion of syllabus, teaching methods etc. Faculty or students having cause for complaint shall follow established procedures within the complainant`s own department before filing a grievance with Grievance Redressal Cell. A faculty/student with a complaint shall first discuss grievance with an immediate supervisor/HOD respectively. A complainant who is not satisfied with outcome of this procedure may initiate formal grievance redressal procedure by registering a written complaint with Principal, college of nursing.

PRESIDENT Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
VICE PRESIDENT Mrs. Manju George, Professor , Mental Health Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
SECRETARY   Mrs.Regy Varghese, Assisstant Professor , Medical Surgical  Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
MEMBERS   Mrs.Jasmine Joseph, Associate Professor , Medical Surgical  Nursing


Ethics is the most significant element of the academic activities in teaching and research. Teaching and research forms a novel combination of knowledge transfer which needs freedom to express the knowledge. Freedom in the academic process to express the knowledge and invention in the most ethical way. It include the freedom to inquire for innovation of new things in subject that encourage intellectual concern, to present findings, to publish data and conclusions without control or censorship and to teach in the manner they consider professionally appropriate. This requires integrity with the teaching and research.


Ethical committee members are
PRESIDENT Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie College of Nursing
VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Liza Peter, Professor , Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
SECRETARY   Dr, Sumathi P.V, Associate Professor, Lisie  College of Nursing
MEMBERS   All Departmental heads


The Student Nurses’ Association of India (SNAI) is an affiliated association of the student nurses under the umbrella of TNAI. The main purpose behind the establishment of SNAI was to uphold the dignity and to promote a team spirit among students with professional ethics.

SNAI was established in 1929 during TNAI Annual Conference in Madras. Miss L.N.Jeans, Nursing Superintendent, Government General Hospital, Madras, was the first Honorary Organizing Secretary of SNAI. The pioneer unit of SNA was established in General Hospital, Madras. Further the SNAI units are expanded gradually to many nursing institutions in India and started functioning. Now there are 900 SNAI units and 150000 SNAI members in the country.

All the students of Lisie College Of Nursing are enrolled as Student Nurses Association members at the time of admission. SNA of Lisie College of Nursing works to provide oppurtunities for personel,  intellectual ,professional and social growth of its members.  SNA unit of Lisie College Of Nursing is one of the best platforms for the students nurses as it provides opportunity for curricular and co-curricular programs. It encourages them to participate in various health related activities at campus level and also extends to the  community level


President Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
Advisor :   Mrs.Lekshmi.P, Lecturer, Community Health Nursing, Lisie  College of Nursing
 Vice President Ms.Annmary Varghese, IVyear B.Sc.Nursing
Secretary Ms.Elizabeth, III year B.Sc.Nursing
Treasurer Ms.Nasrin Nazer, IVyear B.Sc.Nursing
Representatives Ms.Asbin Azeez- I  year B.Sc.Nursing Ms.Mareena  Jacob- II year B.Sc.Nursing Ms.Aleena Biju- III year B.Sc.Nursing Ms.Anu Mathew- IVyear B.Sc.Nursing


Library committee consist some selected members who are responsible for the progress of institution and making a well plan and policy for the development of library. The Library Committee provides a forum for open discussion of matters relating to the Library and its services

The duties and functions of the Library Committee  :
Chair person Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
Vice chairperson Dr.Liza Peter, Professor , Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
 Librarian Mrs.Vinnetha
Members Mrs.Chandini, Asst Librarian All department heads

Parent Teacher Association

Lisie College Of Nursing  Parent–Teacher Association (PTA)  is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school. Its mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents and staff of Lisie college of nursing.. It is our belief that the team effort of  Lisie College Of Nursing parent teacher organization offers the best possible learning environment for our students. The PTA meetings are conducted periodically and parents are given opportunity to share their opinions and concerns regarding their wards education in the college. Our efforts serve to enhance and maximize the education of every student while aiding them in achieving their highest potential.


PRESIDENT Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
VICE PRESIDENT Dr.Lissa Peter, Professor , Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
SECRETARY   Mrs. Mary Poulose, Paediatric Nursing, Lisie  College of Nursing
MEMBERS   Class wise PTA representative Staff representative


Staff development refers to all the policies, practices, and procedures used to develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies of staff to improve the effectiveness and efficiency both of the individual and the institution. All staff are supported and encouraged to acquire and develop the relevant knowledge, skills and competencies to enhance their performance in their current role. This committee organize and conduct continuing education programs (minimum one per  month), which may include workshops, seminars, and activities. Staffs are encouraged to write and publish papers and to attend and present scientific papers at various conferences,seminars, workshops at state and national levels. Monthly staff meeting is held to discuss academic and non academic affairs of the college. Regular performance appraisals of faculty members are also been ensured.


PRESIDENT Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
VICE PRESIDENT Dr.Liza Peter, Professor , Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
SECRETARY   Mrs.Blaicy F, Associate Professor , Medical Surgical  Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
MEMBERS   All department heads


The aim of Guidance and Counselling committee is to provide comprehensive guidance programs and services that will equip students with necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to become mature and socially responsible individuals. The cell nurtures students through  different activities and allows  students to cross  hurdles in the academic year thereby marching smoothly towards success. Apart from this, it helps the students to overcome class, social, and cultural barriers to complete their learning. The Guidance and Counseling Committee is looked after by a teaching faculty. The other faculty members identifies the students in need and directs them to the committee. The committee identifies students who require services on priority along with their areas of deficiency and suggests the improvement required. The students once identified, are given academic as well as personal counselling. Students need a listening and caring heart from outside of their friends or family circles. To meet this need we have a   counsellor available on campus.


PRESIDENT Dr. Usha Marath , Principal , Lisie  College of Nursing
VICE PRESIDENT Mrs. Manju George, Professor , Mental Health Nursing , Lisie  College of Nursing
SECRETARY   Mrs.Jasmine Joseph, Associate Professor , Medical Surgical  Nursing
MEMBERS   Counsellor All class co-ordinators



 Organized by KUHS for the overall development of students. The cell provides support and guidance to the problems faced by the students on the aspects of learning along with emotional support. As per KUHS we have constituted SSGP in our college from 2015-16.

  The emphasis given in this programme is focusing on holistic development of student by addressing their issues like: The nodal faculty members detect the issues faced by students and will provide guidance and counseling.

The nodal officers are:

Dr, Sumathi P.V, Associate Professor, Lisie  College of Nursing Mrs, Jasmine Joseph, Associate Professor, Lisie College Of Nursing

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